Ni Hao!

Ni hao and welcome to our blog! (I think that may have been the most ridiculous sentence I've ever written). As things are always hoppin' around here, we have chosen what we feel to be an appropriate name for this blog site. We hope you will enjoy catching up on all of the latest Langlois happening's and will revisit our blog frequently.

June 26, 2007

All is status quo again at the Langlois' home! We have all regained our health and are enjoying new summertime adventures. Read on!! There are four more pictures below for you to enjoy!!! Blessings and love to you!

"Baby!" Joy proudly pushes her dolly around as she has recently discovered her maternal side.

Joy had her first pool experience with our friends, the Danielson's, last weekend. Isn't she a bathing beauty? And big brother made his first LEAP into the deep end and put his whole head under!!! Way to go Ryan!!!

June 15, 2007

Ryan is my hero! Wow, what a week for this kiddo! Boy did we learn some lessons about our health and the value of family and friends to get us through! He has really been so good through it all and is finally starting to get some good color back today thanks to the steroid and new antibiotic (and your prayers). His ears are fine now. All he has to do is kick the strep and allergic rash, but his recovery seems to be quite speedy with the itching and redness lessening today. I think the bigger battle will be boredom since we're keeping him home from summer camp all next week! I am looking forward to a weekend of doing "nada" (at least that's the order from "General" Dave). I am not "allowed" to clean anything! Imagine that?! I do hope to kick this bug on my own. Keep up the prayers for us!

Blessing and love to you!

June 12, 2007

Uncle, uncle, we surrender! Wish I had better news to share today, but Ryan and I are battling a nasty virus and it seems to be winning. Ryan has been triple-wammied by having an allergic reaction to his antibiotic. So, he is still battling his double ear infections, a virus with fever and now hives. Please send prayers for him! The good news is that Joy and Dave are still plugging along. We are careful not to breath around them, but it's hard not to want to squeeze them a little!

Blessings and love to you!

June 7, 2007

Post placement interview number two complete!!! Yippee! It went fine and we thank you for your prayers! Joy was a happy girl and did very well considering it was her nap time.
Ryan also wants to thank you for the prayers! He is doing much better and went back to summer camp today.
All is good at Camp Langlois. Resume life!
Blessings and love to you!

June 5, 2007

DOUBLE ear infections!!! Ryan has been enduring ear infections in both ears for the past couple of weeks and never complained! What a trooper! Dave took him to the doctor this morning after he relapsed last night with another 103 degree temperature and was told both his ears were extremely red and inflammed. They put him on an antibiotic and we're keeping him home another day or two from camp! He told us his ears never even hurt!

Joy was a "grump" at Geri's today and she had to give her Tylenol for what we're hoping is teething pains, but based on how Mommy felt today, it could be that we're all fighting a bug. Dave stayed home from work to play nurse and made a terrific pork chop supper in the crock! I think he really preferred doing this job today if you really want to know the truth. Put us in your prayers for healing!

Blessings and love to you!

June 4, 2007

Another Monday come and gone. Ryan is feeling better after having stayed home from summer camp to rest. Joy decided to drag dinner out for an hour. It was battle of the will's and guess who won? Boy, are we exhausted, but at least she's fed. Did we mention our 16-month-old is really a 2-year-old in disguise? Pray for us! PLEASE!

Blessings and love to you!

June 3, 2007

All is quiet around here on a Sunday afternoon. Guess you could call us "The Nappin' House" as everyone (except Mommy of course) is snoozin' the afternoon away. Unfortunately, Ryan is napping off a fever of 103 degrees. We returned from church today and realized this boy is not well. So, we gave him some Tylenol and with a little prayer he'll be better when he gets up. He's been fighting this bug all week and I think it's finally caught him. Hopefully, the rest of us will stay well. We have a pretty busy week ahead and need all the strength we can muster!

It was so nice to touch base with our church family today. The week seems so long now that we don't have our Wednesday church night activities to boost us along. The summer break is going to be a long one. But we are adjusting to the new routine and next week should go smoother. Transition is always challenging when you have little ones.

Blessings and love to you!

June 2, 2007

Well, another busy Saturday has come and gone. In preparation for our upcoming post placement home study next Thursday, Dave and I finally got around to fixing up Joy's bedroom. We found the box with all of her China knick-knacks and hung her shelf. The walls look so much nicer now. While combing through boxes, we discovered some long lost "friends" of Joy, a few stuffed bears and two soft baby dolls to which she immediately grabbed and said, "baby, baby"! I showed her how to rock baby to sleep in my arms and she made a good attempt at it, but ended up just twirling around in a circle (swinging arms back and forth is evidently a higher motor skill...not there yet!)

Ryan is a little peak-ed today. He doesn't seem to handle the heat well and after playing outside with friends for an hour he retired to the couch with a headache for most of the afternoon. We're pushing fluids, but boy he burns a lot of energy!

Enjoyed a visit from my friend Sally and husband Dick. They are considering a move to a new home in Sun City and needed some empty boxes. I think they came to the right place! We gave them about 8 boxes with the promise of many more as soon as we can get to all that sorting in our garage (it's a nightmare how many boxes of "crap" one can accumulate in 10 years!). Joy was quite enamored with Dick and had him wrapped around her finger within a few short minutes. We were actually quite shocked at how friendly she was with him. She normally is quite reserved, but she got upset any time he would put her down. Boy, I think we're in for it!

Happy Anniversary Grandma and Paca Tapphorn!

Blessings and love to you!

June 1, 2007

"Don't negotiate with terrorists" seems to be the motto for the day! Joy is in full button-pushing, boundary-testing mode today (oddly only with Mommy and Daddy, hmm). She spent her day with Granny Nanny and had a great time at her condo playing with Odin (Granny's cat). This seems to be the only cat alive that will even approach this unpredictable toddler. Our cats want nothing to do with something so small and loud. Ha!

Ryan had a great time at the rollerplex today skating around and around and around. He loves his in-line skates almost as much as his Heely's. I can't convince him though that he needs to put some big green and white pom-poms on them like Mommy had on hers when she was young. Now that was cool!! But I guess the pom-poms might deflect attention from his "totally rockin'" mohawk and that wouldn't do at all! Yes, it's a "no holds barred" summer here and Mommy finally let him spike his hair (but it comes right off at the end of summer and definitely lies flat for church!). Blessings and love to you!